Greenbank Technology – Micronics flowmeters used to detect liquid flow velocity in the metal can industry
Blackburn-based Greenbank Technology, market leaders in the preparation and drying of aluminium beverage cans, have used the Micronics U1000 clamp-on flowmeter to detect liquid flow velocity on many occasions since 2014. Chris Faulkner, Greenbank’s Business Development Manager had explored many different flow metering technologies and discovered Micronics by an internet search and considered that the U1000 would be ideal for their use.
During the can forming process lubricants and coolants are used to prevent damage to the cans. Following the metal forming processes these chemicals have to be thoroughly removed and the aluminium prepared to accept the internal lacquers and decorative inks that produce the familiar packaging on a wide range of beverage products. The cleaning and preparation of the cans uses aggressive chemicals which are acidic, some with a Ph of 1.2 – 1.4. The wash water will contain the oils, acidic chemicals, surfactants, and other contaminants washed off the cans, which can affect any flow meter technology that has sensing elements and are immersed in the fluid flow. A non-invasive flowmeter was ideally required. The Micronics U1000 was a perfect solution as it is a flowmeter that clamps onto the outside of standard stainless steel pipework and uses non-invasive, ultrasonic sound transmission to measure the flow of the fluid. It is easy to install and requires the minimum of information to be entered by the user, saving time and therefore costs. The accuracy and repeatability are very good.
Chris Faulkner has been very satisfied with the technology and, working closely with Micronics and the performance of the U1000 has proved to be very successful: “Greenbank Technology has a pedigree dating back over 40 years and can reference an international customer base drawn from all corners of the globe. It is also a global player and serves a very demanding market and therefore needs to ensure that systems installed use robust processes. The Micronics flowmeter has contributed to the steady growth in sales and reliable operation of the Greenbank Tornado Washer since its development in 2013.”
For further information on this project or the Micronics range call Micronics on +44 (0)1628 810456, or visit